As you may have read on here or just happen to know then you'll know that I set up a website in 2007 called Music Box Unwinds. MBU opened me up to so many incredible opportunities and introduced me to so many amazing bands, PRs, managers, crew and venue staff. The pandemic obviously brought live music to an end and I had a lot of family things to deal with so MBU slid away from me too.
But HAPPY DAYS! I have decided the best way forward is to combine Stacey and Music Box Unwinds and have it all under the one brolly. Many of the bands I have covered with MBU have inspired my work on Staceynery and I wanted to tie both of them with a lovely neat bow!
The next wee while will involve updating the site to include many of the photos taken over the years but just now the interviews are at least up so have a gander!
Keep an eye out for more to come.
Stacey xo